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INTEGRA Automation



Base receiver card

STAM-1 P is the base telephone receiver card, which is a component part of the STAM-1 and STAM-2 monitoring stations. Up to 15 receiver expansion cards of different types (telephone, Ethernet) as well as GSM modules can be connected to the STAM-1 P receiver base card.

The device is a complete receiver of data sent by the control panels via a telephone line. It allows you to set up a supervision center for monitoring the state of connected alarm systems. STAM-1 P can be installed in the PCI slot of any PC computer, from which it only derives power. Other hardware solutions can also be used, e.g. the cards can be installed in the STAM-BOX housing or in the monitoring station system with built-in STAM-IRS micro server. The receiver base card communicates with the PC computer via the RS-232 port (DB-9 connector). Each telephone receiver card is provided with a RJ-11 jack connector for one telephone line, which means that one telephone number is assigned to the monitoring station. Additionally, the device has one mini-jack connector for audio monitoring of the given telephone line using a headset or speakers.

The module supports several transmission formats with automatic recognition and autonegotiation of the communication protocol. The amount of data received by the card is unlimited and their correctness is tested as they come. The card has a FIFO buffer for 250 last received events.

The functions of automatic diagnostics and troubleshooting of the connected telephone line ensure proper operation of STAM-1 P.

  • PCI slot compatible form factor
  • RS-232 for connecting to the computer
  • telephone line jack for telephone line monitoring
  • multiprotocol compatibility (incl. ContactID)
  • autonegotiation of communication protocol
  • data transmission verification support
  • no limitation for number of data received
  • FIFO buffer for 250 last received events
  • full autodiagnostic
  • telephone line overhear audio jack
  • monitoring station software included
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geüpdate: 2024-06-17
115 KB
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